bride and groom 新娘新郎
Maid of Honor 伴娘;best man 伴郎;groom 新郎;bride 新娘。
nuptials 婚礼
We are here tonight to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of my best friend Howard Wolowitz.我们今晚齐聚一堂 庆祝我死党霍华德即将步入婚姻的殿堂
upcoming nuptials 即将到来的婚礼
Bernadette, on your wedding night, you'll be consummating your marriage.伯纳黛特,洞房花烛夜,你们将正式圆房。
It takes both patience and consummate skill.这需要耐心与完美的技巧。
conceive ,设想,怀孕
Hey, they may conceive a child on their wedding night. 他们说不定能在新婚之夜怀上孩子呢
conceive a child,怀上孩子。
《瑞克和莫蒂》I conceived a child with Million Ants and it died inside me because it was half a million ants and half collapsing star! 我怀上了百万蚁人的孩子,结果胎死腹中,因为胎儿一半是百万蚂蚁,一半是坍缩星!
Yeah, just going to a restaurant, get some steaks, and scotch. 是啊 就是去餐馆 吃吃牛排 喝喝威士忌
scotch,苏格兰。在此处代表苏格兰酒,完整说法是scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌酒,口语里有时会省略后面的whisky。最初在纯英文剧本中看到scotch这个词时,词典中的翻译是“弄伤、刻痕”,当时还觉得挺疑惑。
《瑞克与莫蒂》Yeah yeah yeah. How about some scotch whiskey? 随便啦 你们这里有苏格兰威士忌嘛?
《结婚大作战》 So we have scotch- Okay. Scotch is good. 有苏格兰酒,好,苏格兰酒就行。
laddie 少年
You cannot be operatin' heavy machinery after you had a snootful of this, laddie! 老弟 一杯下肚之后 绝对不可以操作重型机械哦[苏格兰口音]
laddie 少年,老弟。不要和lady混淆了。
a snootful of this,〈美俚〉(足以使人喝醉的)一份酒
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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