sparkling 灿烂的,闪耀的。
The conversation is sparkling. 我脑中的对白简直是精彩纷呈
Hint: There is a right answer. 提示 有正确答案的哦
circumstance ,环境、情况
Give me one circumstance in which that would be useful. 给我举个例子 证明这三面手有用武之地
The first of my people to dunk a basketball. 我将会是第一个能灌篮的犹太人
dunk , v. (尤指食物)泡,浸;扣篮 n. 扣篮,灌篮
Yao Ming was able to get it. Turns and dunks it all and a foul! 姚明拿到篮板,转身,暴扣加犯规!
picture ,(生动地)描述、想象
All right, picture this: a beautiful outdoor concert. 没问题 试想一下,一场高雅的户外音乐会
picture ,除了最常见图片之意,还有(生动地)描述、想象等含义也很常用。
So when I picture the future, I picture us all together. 所以当我了望将来的时候 我会想到我们在一起的画面。
I cannot picture myself in a more wretched condition. 我想像不出一个比这更悲惨的境地了。
tight ,(日程、预算)紧张
Hey, uh, Leonard... things are a little tight at the comic book store. 莱纳德,最近漫画书店的生意不太好
tight budget 紧缩的预算;手头很紧
a tight match. 势均力敌的比赛
He is extremely tight with money, yes. 他的经济非常吃紧,对。
Sleep tight,睡个好觉。这个词多次出现在大爆炸中,尤其是佩妮借宿沙发那晚,Leonard魔性地强调了好几次,还解释了其来源。
Good night. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams tonight. 晚安,酣睡,今晚好梦。
And all the wildflowers are in bloom. 漫山遍野的花朵争奇斗妍
in the bloom of sth 正值盛开
bloom in spring 春天盛开
bloom 在大爆炸中出现三次:形容潘查理公主时,玫瑰羞于绽放;此处野花盛开,说raj从玩女人到变成女人;Penny的姓一直是个谜,知道Stuart姓什么吗?姓Bloom,Stuart Bloom。
It was said that the gods fashioned her eyes out of the stars and that roses were ashamed to bloom in the presence of her ruby lips. 她的眼睛是神用星星做的,她艳红的唇 令玫瑰都羞于开放
unappealing 令人反感的
because you are so short and unappealing.因为你四肢短小 其貌不扬
unappealing 不吸引人的,令人反感的;appealing,吸引人的
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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