shot除了常见的“射击、开枪”之意,还有“尝试”的意思。shot作为“尝试”(相当于attempt)在口语中非常常见,a shot可用来表示一个机会、一次尝试。get/have/give/worth a shot,意为给个机会、值得一试,这类搭配在大爆炸中出现了三四十次。
get a shot
Howard: Sheldon, I owe you an apology. Taking the train was a stroke of brilliance! I've actually got a shot at a terminator. 谢尔顿 我应该向你道歉 坐上这辆火车是我一生中最幸运的事 我居然有机会把到一个终结者
Howard说的有机会把到终结者就是Summer Glau,Summer在08、09年的《终结者外传》中饰演一个女终结者,还曾在被砍的神剧《萤火虫》中饰演一个人设很讨喜的天才少女。
have a shot
Raj:Hey, Bernadette? Do you think I have a shot with Penny? 你觉得我和佩妮有机会吗
或许,在经过Mrs Davis平静的人事部嗓音重复后,会对这个用法记忆更深刻。
President Siebert:Listen up, you have a shot to win a Nobel Prize, and you're blowing it. 听好了 你们有机会赢得诺贝尔奖,现在要被你们搞黄了
Mrs Davis:I think what President Siebert is trying to say is that you have a shot to win a Nobel Prize and you're blowing it. 我想塞伯特校长的意思是你们有机会赢得诺贝尔奖 现在要被你们搞黄了
Sheldon:Uh, that's exactly what he said. 这还是他的原话啊
Mrs Davis:Yes, but I said it in my calming H.R. Voice. 是啊 但是用我平静的人事部嗓音说的
give a shot
Howard:I thought you were boycotting Wil's show. 我还以为你要抵制威尔的节目
Sheldon:I was, but I decided to give it a shot, and I actually enjoyed it. 一开始是 但我决定试看一下,结果我还看得挺开心的
worth a shot
Bernadette:Get in the shower and then take those clothes and burn them.赶紧去冲澡 然后把这身衣服都烧了
Penny:Yeah, and all the rest of your clothes! Ah, worth a shot.没错 把你其他衣服一起烧了 值得一试嘛
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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