Zip it , 闭嘴
- Don't you try and blame this on him. - Thank you, Bernadette. - Zip it, pervert! - 你少把一切都推到他头上 -谢谢你 伯纳黛特 -闭嘴吧 变态 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E22》
zip,zip it,或zip your lip,口语,意为:闭上嘴。这个用法在《生活大爆炸》中出现了5次,三种用法都出现过。
Leonard:Sheldon I don't need an alibi. Nobody's going to ask about last night as long as you just zip your lip.谢尔顿 我不需要不在场证明 只要你不乱说话 没人会问昨晚的事的 ——《生活大爆炸 S04E06》
Penny:Oh, am I talking too much? I'm sorry. Zip.我话太多了吗 抱歉 我不说了 ——《生活大爆炸 S03E03》
Penny:All right, I will give you my bed on one condition: that you promise to zip your hole for the next eight hours. 我让你睡我的床 但有一个条件 你得在接下来8小时内闭上嘴 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E21》
zip sb up ,拉上拉链
- Mrs. Wolowitz:Now zip me up. 帮我拉上拉链
- Sheldon:Oh, if we squeeze you any tighter, you may turn into a diamond. 再继续挤下去 你就能变成钻石了 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E21》
They zip him up in that bag. And Gertie can't stop crying. The flower dies.他们把他放进袋子 拉上拉链 格蒂一直在哭 花都枯萎了 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E21》
zip code,邮政编码
Sheldon:You're right. Alcohol,poor judgment- - it could go well. Of course there is the other possibility, that this date kicks off a rather unpleasant six months of the two of you passing awkwardly in the hall, until one of you breaks down and moves to another zip code. 你说的对 酒 糊涂 今晚有可能会顺利的 当然还有另一种可能性 之后的6个月都会很难捱 俩人在走廊里尴尬的擦身而过 直到其中一人崩溃并搬到别的州去 ——《生活大爆炸 S01E03》
zip through,快速地到某地
zip ,快速移动,快速地到某地,后面通常会接through/past/along等词。
Raj:You could zip through a maze in nothing flat, squeeze through really small holes, and shut down restaurants in a single bound.你可以在迷宫里横冲直撞钻进很小的地洞 而且只要蹦跶几下就能让餐馆关门 ——《生活大爆炸 S04E10》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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