《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读86,consummate 用法总结
Amy:Bernadette, on your wedding night, you'll be consummating your marriage. 伯纳黛特,洞房花烛夜,你们将正式圆房。 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E22》
Sheldon:It's official. According to tradition, we should hang the bedsheets outside so the villagers can see that we consummated. 正式完婚了 根据传统我们应该把床单挂在外面 这样其他村民就能知道我们行房了 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E01》
Amy:It says here you can get an annulment if any of the following conditions are met. "Were you unable to consummate the marriage?" 从法律上说 解除婚约必须满足一下任何一个条件 "婚后 两人从未圆房" ——《生活大爆炸 S07E09》
It takes both patience and consummate skill. 这需要耐心与完美的技巧。
Scarlett exercised the same charms as Melanie but with a studied artistry and consummate skill. 思嘉也像媚兰那样发挥自己魅力的作用,但是她还使用了一种很有修养的功夫和高度的技巧。 ——《飘》
Mad-Eye, so tough, so brave, the consummate survivor… 疯眼汉,他是如此强悍,如此勇敢,是最后的幸存者… … ——《哈利波特与死亡圣器》
consummation ,n.圆房
consummation ,词根为consummate,GRE词汇,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了1次。
Beverley:Aside from a pro forma consummation of our marriage, his father and I only had intercourse for the purposes of reproduction.在我和他父亲圆满的婚姻之余我们只为了生育下一代 而进行性行为 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E15》
" To see what" ? he said. " There can be no danger of a consummation. Tommen is much too young" . " 监视什么?" 他问," 他俩根本无法圆房,托曼太小了。" ——《冰与火之歌:群鸦的盛宴》
consummation ,n.完美
What was it about this particular painting, the consummation of Turner's career, that brought down on his head such a storm of abuse.这幅独特的作品到底意味着什么?这幅特纳事业顶峰之作,却给他带来暴风雨般的指责。 ——《艺术的力量》
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