hold off,不使挨近,挡住, 耽搁, 离开,推迟,抵挡,拖延。
hold off,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了至少7次,包含多种用法。形态:hold off,holds off,holding off,held off。
hold off,阻挡
用法①:hold (someone) off or hold off (someone) : to stop (someone) from coming near someone or something
Amy:someone's got to hold off the demon of shadow and flame. 有人得去阻挡影与炎之恶魔 ——《生活大爆炸 S11E24》
Her bodyguard held off the crowd. 她的保镖挡住了人群
I can see her holding off Storm and Susie. But then, the third wolf appears. 我能看见母牛在逼退" 风暴" 和" 苏西" ,但之后,第三只狼出现了。 ——《狼之风暴》
用法②:hold (something) off or hold off (something) , to defend against (something) successfully
The soldiers held off the attack. 士兵们抵挡住了进攻。
hold off,推迟
用法①:hold off doing something or hold off on doing something,wait to do it at a later time.
Penny:Hey, can you hold off redoing the room? 你能缓一缓改装那房间的事吗 ——《生活大爆炸 S10E14》
Sheldon:You might want to hold off on lighting your rabeliechtli, Penny. 先别急着点 你的芜菁灯吧 佩妮 ——《生活大爆炸 S03E15》
Sheldon:You should take a third train where you audition for the movie but hold off on making a career decision until you have more information.你应该上第三辆火车去参加电影试镜 但先别着急做职业上的抉择 等了解更多情况再说 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E21》
Sheldon:So if you could hold off on replacing this wheel, I'd like to make several large bets.希望您能暂时别更换轮盘 我想要下几个大注了 ——《生活大爆炸 S11E22》
用法②:hold (something) off or hold off (something)
I'll tell you what. I'll hold off till Monday to report to Ms. Britt. 要不这么办吧。我把磁带保留到星期一再交给Britt小姐。 ——《绝望的主妇 第二季》
He said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be really serious. 所以他说他想等到,他准备开始认真了以后再说。 ——《老友记第二季》
So the summer season is important to hold off the possibility of an economic recession.因此,夏季对于防止经济衰退的可能性非常重要。
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