So I hopped on the first bus and hightailed it down here to shake your hand. Put 'er there, you old so-and-so. 于是我跳上首班车一路狂奔过来跟你握手道贺 快把手伸过来 你这家伙 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E07》
hightailed it,迅速离开某地
Hightail it down to the station and see if your mother is on the train. 赶快跑到火车站去,看看你妈是不是在火车上。
And many figured it was the noise that drives creatures to hightail it someplace more remote.许多人认为正是这种噪音迫使动物们逃到了更偏远的地方。
hopped on,跳上(交通工具)
hop on与get on类似,意为乘上汽车、火车或飞机等交通工具。
hop本意为跳跃(hopped是hop的过去式及过去分词形式),hop on意为跳上交通工具,“跳上”表现出一种紧迫感,例如临时做出决定然后及时赶上了交通工具,或者车已经开始启动了然后跳上了车。
get on多为普通状态下乘上交通工具,而hop on更强调紧急状态或及时赶上。例如开篇的例子中,谢耳朵跳上首班车,用hop on就强调出了急切感。
so-and-so : 某某人
Madame So-and-so: 某某夫人
What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour? 要是哪位太太嫌邻居太吵闹,打电话投诉,你跟她怎么说?
He's an ungrateful so-and-so. 他是个忘恩负义的家伙。
"They kept brushing us off, saying their helicopters were busy elsewhere, or so-and-so had stepped out for a smoke," he tells TIME. “他们一直对我们不理不睬,称其直升飞机在别处忙于运行,或飞机因为烟雾着陆了,凡此种种。”他告诉《时代周刊》。
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