lull (you) into (sth/doing sth) 造成错觉;take into account,考虑在内;cement understanding,加强理解。
lull (you) into (sth/doing sth) 造成错觉
A perfect way to infiltrate and destroy mankind would be to send terminators back posing as actors who have played terminators in popular films and television series, lulling us into a false sense a false sense of security, i.e., "that's summer glau "from the sarah connor chronicles. 侵入并毁灭人类最好的方法将会是将终结者送去摆成在著名的电影电视中出演终结者的演员的造型 让我们在臆想的安全感中苟且偷生 比如 那是终结者外传中的萨默·格萝 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
infiltrate ,渗透
lull 使安静,哄骗
lull into false sense: 造成假象
lull (you) into (sth/doing sth) 造成平静或安全的错觉
" Point is, people, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he's out of the country. " 朋友们,重点是,不能因为觉得他在国外就错误地觉得安全了。 ——《哈利波特与死亡圣器》
Sophie saw that the philosopher was right. Grownups took the world for granted. They had let themselves be lulled into the enchanted sleep of their humdrum existence once and for all. “苏菲终于明白哲学家说得没错。大人们总是将这个世界视为理所当然的存在,并且就此任自己陷入柴米油盐的生活中而浑然不觉。 ——《苏菲的世界》
take into account,考虑在内
You fail to take into account that even mute, I am foreign and exotic, While you, on the other hand, are frail and pasty. 你忘了一件事 我即使不说话也具有异国情调 哪像你 又弱又白的 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
pasty,苍白的;frail ,虚弱的;exotic,外国来的;mute,无声的,哑的。
take into account,考虑在内
To take into account means to consider something. " take into account" 意思是考虑某事。 ——《VOA》
A policy that took into account, race and ethnic background. 该招生政策会将人种和民族背景纳入考察范围。 ——《公正该如何做是好》
cement understanding,加强理解
His work in black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation cemented our understanding of the origin of the universe. 他对黑体和宇宙微波背景辐射的各向异性的研究 跟宇宙起源的观点有许多相通之处。 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
cement常用释义为水泥、黏合物,也有巩固、加强的意思。例如cement understanding,加强理解。
cemented our understanding,巩固了我们的理解
These examples bear study to cement understanding both of function matching in particular and of the relationships among the built-in types in general. 通过这些例子,学习并加深了解特殊的函数匹配和内置类型之间的一般关系。
the cosmic microwave background radiation,宇宙微波背景辐射
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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