get first crack at,尝试;involved in,参与、涉及;succumb to,屈服于;on earth,究竟。
get first crack at,尝试
Hang on a sec. Why do you get first crack at her? 慢着 为什么让你先去泡她 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
have/take a crack at (doing) something
这个用法里的crack和shot类似,都是尝试(attempt)的意思。crack的用法相对固定, 后面一般都是接at。
Have a crack at this one. Well, check that. I quite like it. 试一下这个。好的,看看那个。我非常喜欢它。 ——《中国新年》
You wanna take a crack at him? 你想试试吗? ——《 疑犯追踪 第三季》
Several years ago my daughter Mimi and I took a crack at running the New York Marathon. 几年前,我和女儿米米参加了纽约马拉松比赛。
involved in,参与、涉及
I thought you were involved in some sort of socially intimate pairing with leslie winkle.我以为你正身陷于与莱斯利·温克尔的亲密关系中 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
Are many economists involved in this field? 很多经济学家都涉及这一领域吗?
succumb to,屈服于
She will eventually succumb to the acquired taste that is howard wolowitz. 她终将屈服于霍华德·沃罗威茨的魔掌之下 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
The helpless wounded succumbed to her charms without a struggle. 那些无依无靠的伤兵会乖乖地屈服于她的魅力之下。 ——《飘》
on earth,究竟
on earth,究竟,到底。5W1H后面均可以接on earth加强语气。
What on earth are you doing? 你们这是干嘛 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
Why on earth would I do that? 为什么我要那样做? ——《功夫熊猫2》
How on earth did you do it? 你究竟怎么做到的? ——《美国恐怖故事第一季》
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