marshal your powers,拼尽全力;go for broke,全力以赴;score with,有希望追到…。
marshal your powers,拼尽全力
Sheldon:And I need you to marshal your powers of concentration, limited as they may be… 我现在要你集中所有小宇宙 专心致志地... ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
marshal ,元帅、引领。marshal your powers,拼尽全力。
Marshal your powers, recruit your energies, Sir! 拼尽全力,再接再厉,长官!
go for broke,全力以赴
Howard:Okay, I'm going to just go for broke here and say I like you. 我这么拼死拼活就是想说 我喜欢你 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
I just wanna see everybody going for broke. 我想看到每个人全力以赴。
score with,有希望追到…
Leonard:I've already got a gorgeous blonde back home that I can't score with. 我已经有个泡不到的金发美女在家了 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E17》
gorgeous ,极好的;blonde ,金发碧眼的女人。
score with,有希望追到……
— He tried to score with Penny. — So have these two, and they're having dinner with us. — 可是他想泡佩妮啊。— 这俩以前也是啊,现在不还跟我们一起吃饭吗。 ——《生活大爆炸 第8季》
settle scores,算旧账
Sheldon: I'm Texas through and through. And we know how to settle scores down there. 我可是彻头彻尾的德州人 我们可会修理人了 ——《生活大爆炸 第5季》
settle a score with someone, 报仇雪恨
We will not remain indebted to any superpower and will settle scores with all of them. Just wait. 我们不欠任何超级强国,我们会和你们算账,等着吧。
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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