pops out,弹出;bag of tricks,锦囊妙计;dip into,从…中取出。
pops out,弹出
And the only thing that slows you down is a little parachute that pops out right before you crash into the ground. 唯一帮你减速的东西是你撞向地面的前一刻弹出的小小降落伞 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E23》
parachute ,降落伞
pops out,弹出,蹦出来
Mm. Didn't mean it. Just popped out. 嗯 不是故意的 不经意的。 ——《绝望的主妇 第八季》
Where do you keep popping out from? ! 你到底都是从哪儿钻出来的! ——《摩登家庭第二季》
Wait, look, that just kind of popped out. 等一下, 那其实是我不小心说出来了。 ——《绝望的主妇 第一季》
Patrick Swayze's not gonna pop out of our closet, is he? 帕特里克·斯威兹不会突然从咱们家衣柜出现吧? ——《我们这一天 第二季》
bag of tricks,锦囊妙计
I had a feeling you'd be reluctant, which is why I'm going to dip into my neurobiological bag of tricks. 我早有预感你会不同意 所以我准备要使出我神经生物学版的锦囊妙计了 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E23》
I got my own bag of tricks. 我自有妙计。 ——《疑犯追踪 第二季》
" I have a whole bag of tricks, " he said, " which contains a hundred ways of escaping my enemies." 我有一锦囊的妙计,”他说,“其中有一百种逃离敌人的方法。” ——《 伊索寓言》
dip into,从…中取出
She dipped into her savings, started hocking jewelry. 卖掉了她的首饰。 ——《《绝望的主妇》第一季》
I don't see another way to make this work. We've gotta dip into the pensions. 除此之外我不知道还有什么办法。必须动用养老金了。 ——《绝望的主妇 第二季》
But over the last few months, I've been compelled to dip into a fund that he maintains. 但是过去的这几个月,我被迫动用了他管理的一个基金。 ——《福尔摩斯基本演绎法 第二季》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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