《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读216 75,kick out 用法总结
kick out,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了23次,属于高频用法。剧中包含了kick out的多种用法。
kick 作为动词或名词时,最常见的释义为“踢”,对应的kick out的意思是“赶走、逐出;解雇”。常用搭配:kick out (at sb/sth),kick out ↔ sb (of sth)。
kick out ↔ sb ,赶走、逐出
Raj:Hello! Howard and Bernadette kicked me out because I told them they're having a girl! Oopsy, I did it again. 有人在家吗 霍华德和伯纳黛特把我踢出来了 因为我告诉他们宝宝是女儿 糟糕 又说漏嘴了 ——《生活大爆炸 S10E11》
Raj:By the way, you try that at the junior prom, you get kicked out. 顺便说下 如果在低年级毕业舞会上试这招 会被踢出去的 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E03》
kick out ↔ sb of ,赶走、逐出
Tyson:Smart move, and the next time you pick up your phone, remember, I'm the guy who kicked Pluto out of the solar system. 算你机灵 下次你拿起电话时 记住 老子就是把冥王星踢出太阳系的人 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E01》
Raj:Wow. You're not only our first astronaut. You're also the first one of us to kick a girl out of bed. You're like a rock star.哇 你不仅是我们中的第一个宇航员 还是我们中第一个把女孩子赶下床的人 你简直就是个巨星啊 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E05》
kick out ↔ sb ,开除、解雇
Howard:Well, these hands were made to do three things: close-up magic, writing code, and the dirty shadow puppet show that got me kicked out of Hebrew school.我这双手就是用来做三件事的 近景魔术 编码 还有演出皮影戏 这最后害我被犹太学校开除 ——《生活大爆炸 S11E05》
Tiny Rick:Summer Smith is a [beep] psycho nerd and she just got me kicked out of school!Summer Smith是个[哔]呆子神经病 而且她刚刚害我被开除啦 ——《瑞克和莫蒂 S02E07》
get a kick out of/from (doing) sth,高兴
kick 作为名词时还可表达“极大的乐趣,刺激”,常用搭配:give sb a kick,do sth (just) for kicks,以及get a kick out of/from (doing) sth,最后这个用法中的kick out 指感到愉快。
Amy:Don't you think the kid might get a kick out of knowing how it happened? 你不觉得孩子将来看到这个会很高兴吗 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E22》
You'll get a kick out of this one. I did a movie with Rocky. 你听到肯定会很开心。我和洛奇拍了部电影。 ——《我们这一天 第二季》
I think he gets a kick out of it. 我想他从中找到了乐趣了。 ——《Lost Girl S02》
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