Raj:I didn't get a lot of that because of your accent, but the general tone was soothing and somehow I feel better.虽然因为你的口音问题我没怎么听懂 但你的语气很抚慰人心 我感觉好多了 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E06》
speaking in hushed/low/clipped/measured, etc. tones 以压低、低沉、短促、缓慢谨慎等的语调讲话
a conversational tone 交谈的语气
a tone of surprise 惊奇的口气
Howard:Okay, fine. I'll admit, there are dark, sordid little corners of the Internet where the name Wolowizard is whispered in hushed tones. 好吧 好了 我承认 在互联网的某些黑暗肮脏的角落 确实有人在喃喃呼唤沃罗法师这个名字 ——《生活大爆炸 S04E04》
in a friendly tone. 友好的语气
Sheldon:Well, anything can sound silly when you put it in that tone. 什么事被你这种口气一说 都显得很蠢 ——《生活大爆炸 S10E05》
don't take that tone with me ( = do not speak to me in that rude or unpleasant way ) 别用那种语气跟我说话
Raj:Well, I think the first thing we should get rid of is that tone.我觉得首先需要扔掉的东西是你这态度 ——《生活大爆炸 S10E03》
Bernadette:Hey, don't you take that sarcastic tone with him! 不准用这种挖苦的语气和他说话 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E01》
dial tone,拨号音;busy tone,忙音;ring tone,来电铃声。
Howard:All right, test my ring tone. 好了 测试我的手机铃声 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E15》
Howard:Yeah, my ring tone. Kind of my favorite song, "Rocket Man." 对 我的铃声 《火箭客》是我最喜欢的歌 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E15》
muscle/skin tone 肌肉发达╱皮肤柔韧
Howard:Great. Just keep in mind astronauts lose a lot of muscle tone in space, so you might have to do most of the heavy lifting.好的 但提醒你件事 宇航员的肌肉张力会减弱 所以今晚的"重活"大多得靠你了 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E04》
Raj:But she looks beautiful! Classic lines, colors that complement her skin tone, and hair that goes from "office" to "on the town" in minutes.可她现在多漂亮啊 经典优雅的线条 发色和肤色相得映彰 一分钟完成从办公室到派对狂欢的无缝对接 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E23》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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