《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读108 ,control of 用法总结
control of,control作为权力时,常用的搭配:control (of/over sb/sth) ,意为管理权,控制权; 控制(或操纵)能力。
control of sb/sth,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了3次,control over sb/sth出现了2次。这类用法在其他影视剧也经常出现,例如诺兰的电影中就经常出现control of这类用法。
control of sb/sth
常用的具体搭配有:take/gain/lose etc control of sb/sth;in/under the control of sb/sth,等等。
We did. All of us who stood by and let scum take control of our city. 是我们 我们这些人只会站在一边让人渣来控制这城市 ——《蝙蝠侠2:黑暗骑士》
I need you to take control of Wayne Enterprises and this reactor. 米兰达 我需要你来管理韦恩集团 还有这个反应堆 ——《蝙蝠侠3:黑暗骑士崛起》
If he takes control of that ship, we're dead. 如果让他得逞 我们就死定了 ——《星际穿越》
Bane wouldn't give control of that bomb to someone else. 贝恩不会把炸弹控制权交给别人 ——《蝙蝠侠3:黑暗骑士崛起》
My main competitor is an old man in poor health. His son will soon inherit control of the corporation. I need him to decide to break up his father's empire. 我的主要竞争对手是个病入膏肓的老人 他的儿子马上就要继承他的公司 我要他决定解散他父亲的商业帝国 ——《盗梦空间》
Okay. Screens... getting interference. Losing control of the stick. I got flashes. 好了 屏幕开始被干扰 控制系统失灵了 有火花 ——《星际穿越》
Dementors are, after all, under the control of the Ministry of Magic. 毕竟摄魂怪是受魔法部控制的 ——《哈利波特5:凤凰社》
Howard:Oh, uh, no big deal. They gave leslie control of some unrestricted grant money. 没什么 他们让莱斯利管一些自由经费 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E16》
Sheldon: I've had unilateral control of thermostat ever since the sweaty night of '06.自从06年那次"浸汗之夜"以来 就由我来专门负责室内的恒温控制 ——《生活大爆炸 S03E02》
Yes, but I mostly used it as a battlefield in an ongoing war between the Transformers and the ThunderCats for control of a bra I had found in the woods.但我几乎都是用来当做 变形金刚与霹雳猫之间的战场 让他们争夺我在树林捡来的胸罩的控制权 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E19》
control over sb/sth
Sheldon:Control over the information contained in that letter belongs to Howard. By happenstance, I came to know it. That doesn't give me the right to disseminate it freely. 那封信的内容的所有权 是属于霍华德的 我是偶尔不小心读到的 这并不代表我可以到处散布它 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E19》
Kripke:No,that's wrong. There's an official schedule. I have no control over it. 不 不是那么回事 有正式安排的 我做不了主 ——《生活大爆炸 S02E13》
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