fade,vt. & vi. (使)褪去, (使)变弱, (使)枯萎;vi. 逐渐消失。
It's just that what people call "Love" is actually a series of biochemical reactions in the brain that fade over time. 只不过人们所谓的"爱"其实是大脑中的一系列化学反应作祟 会随着时间流逝而消逝 ——《生活大爆炸 S11E07》
Sheldon:It's only a matter of time before my tenuous grasp on reality fades. I suppose I should pee while I still know what a toilet is. 迟早有一天我对现实薄弱的掌握力就会消失 还是趁没忘记什么是厕所前 赶紧去尿吧 ——《生活大爆炸 S09E10》
Look, it's only a spray tan. It'll fade in a couple days. 只是喷雾美黑 几天就褪色了 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E02》
fade in/out( ↔ sth)
fade in/out( ↔ sth) ,(使)〔画面〕淡入/淡出;(使)〔声音〕渐强/渐弱:
Sheldon:Episode one, "Encounter at Farpoint." Fade in. The new Enterprise heads out on its maiden voyage to contact the Bandi people of Deneb IV.第一集 《远点遭遇战》缓缓驶入 新进取号踏上了搜寻戴纳伯四号星球 居住的班迪人之处女航行 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E07》
In 1933, he and a colleague discovered that some stars flare up to become as bright as their entire galaxy for a few weeks, before fading out again. 1933年 他和一个同事发现某些恒星会突然变得非常耀眼 亮度就和它们所在的星系差不多并延续好几周 然后又会黯淡下来 ——《宇宙时空之旅 S01E13》
fade (away)
fade (away),逐渐消失;〔身体〕衰弱,奄奄一息
I don't feel pain, fear, desire. It's like all things that make us human are fading away. 我感受不到痛苦 恐惧 欲望 就好像所有人类的特征都在慢慢消失 ——《超体》
SAUL PESLMUTTER:What makes supernova great is that they are very similar when they explode. They all get to about the same brightness and then they fade away in just about the same way. 索尔·派斯马特:超新星的独特在于它们爆炸的过程极其相似 它们都会达到一样的亮度然后它们会按照同一个模式暗淡下去 ——《宇宙的构造 E01》
- She's an Elf. - He's fading. He's not going to last. -她是精灵 -他快死了 他坚持不了多久了 ——《指环王1:魔戒再现》
She needs the antidote before the damage is permanent… She's fading. We gotta go. 得赶紧给她用解药 不然就不可逆转了… 快不行了 得赶紧走 ——《蝙蝠侠1:侠影之谜》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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