《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读130,pain in the ass,get absorbed by

原创 小斯  2021-02-20 19:18 

生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读130,pain in the ass,get absorbed by

Bernadette:Howie, the estrogen's getting absorbed by your skin. That's why you've been all bloated and moody and a giant pain in the ass. 华仔 雌性激素经由你的皮肤吸收了  所以你最近才这么的喜怒无常 顶心顶肺      ——《生活大爆炸 S07E02》

《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读130,pain in the ass,get absorbed by 语言学习 第1张

moody ,喜怒无常的;bloated ,肿胀的,得意忘形的。上面这段台词中,还有两个很典型的用法:get absorbed by,被吸收;pain in the ass,混蛋。


pain in the ass,混蛋

pain in the ass,混蛋,让人讨厌的人或事。在大爆炸中出现了至少9次。

Okay, look, Sheldon's a pain in the ass. But Dr. Fowler's really nice. So if you average them out-- math… you got someone who's okay.  听我说 谢尔顿很讨人厌  但福勒博士人很好啊 所以如果你取他俩平均值 数学上 就得出一个还行的人      ——《生活大爆炸 S12E18》


- Leonard:Come on, you pain in the ass! 上来吧 你这个让人蛋疼的家伙

- Sheldon:That's me! Bye, Stuart. 他们指的是我 回见了 斯图尔特

- Stuart:Wait! I'm a pain in the ass, too! 等等 我也很让人蛋疼啊      ——《生活大爆炸 S09E13》

如果pain in the ass是混蛋,那么可以在前面加个形容词giant 变为大混蛋:giant pain in the ass。

Leonard:So in-in-in-instead of being a giant pain in the ass like you always are, what if this one time  you just tried staying calm? 所以... 与其跟平常一样使劲找我麻烦 何不就一次你试着保持冷静呢      ——《生活大爆炸 S07E08》

Penny: I want a boyfriend whose roommate isn't a giant pain in the ass. 我想要个室友不是大混蛋的男朋友      ——《生活大爆炸 S03E03》


get absorbed by,被吸收

A photon can't escape without interacting over and over and over again, getting absorbed by atoms and reemitted and it can be absorbed and reemitted millions of times. 光子没有与其它粒子发生作用的话是不可能离开这个区域的,它会被原子吸收、释放,它会被吸收、释放数百万次。       ——历史频道纪录片《宇宙》

Cesium is absorbed by plants and works its way through the food chain, getting into meat and milk.  铯经植物吸收后,经过一番转化进入食物链、肉和牛奶中。

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