《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读135,devastate 用法总结
Sheldon:Which makes your betrayal all the more devastating. 所以你的背叛才显得更加不可饶恕 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E02》
devastate,雅思词汇。vt. 毁坏;使荒芜;在感情上(精神上、财务上等)压垮。
时 态: devastated, devastating, devastates
devastate的英文释义: to make someone feel very shocked and upset 。
Bernadette:I would be devastated if my parents split up. 如果我的父母分手了 我肯定会崩溃 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E09》
Howard:That guy you blew off happens to be my best friend. Okay? He was devastated.你甩掉的那个人是我最好的朋友 他被伤透了心 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E17》
Penny:So, uh, you must be devastated about your divorce. 离婚一定让你感到伤心欲绝吧 ——《生活大爆炸 S03E11》
I thought we were changing the course of science, and now it's all gone. I'm devastated.我本以为我们会改变科学的进程 现在什么都没了 我心碎欲绝 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E09》
devastate的英文释义:to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage.
Sheldon:"An 8.2 magnitude earthquake devastates Pasadena, reducing mighty edifices to dust, engulfing the city in flames. The streets flow with blood and echo with the cries of the wounded." "一场8.2级的地震摧毁了帕萨迪纳市 高楼大厦被夷为平地 火灾在全城蔓延 街道上血流成河 遍地伤者哀嚎不已" ——《生活大爆炸 S05E12》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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