Howard的单身派对竟然没有strippers,Raj说Howard是king of strippers,Howard的回应是:
What can I tell ya, I'm not into that stuff anymore. 怎么说呢 我对那玩意已经不感兴趣了
stuff 和 thing
stuff 在大爆炸里出现的频率非常之高,这个词在口语中相当常用。作为名词时,类似于中文里的万能词“东西”,当不好用哪个词来明确表达,但大家却都明白的那点事,都可以用stuff来表达。
柯斯林词典对stuff 的解释是:You can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name.
Ugh! How can you eat that stuff? 啊!你怎么吃得下那种东西?
This is high quality stuff. 这是高品质的东西。
口语中还经常会说XXX stuff,即此相关的事。
You've got Super Hero stuff too.
and stuff,等等;诸如此类 ,什么的
We've got some cool toys, you know-- lasers and stuff. 我们有一些很棒的玩意 激光器什么的。
And, you know, some of it goes to power my engine,and charge my phone and stuff. 其中一部分用来给我的引擎供电,还有给我的手机充电什么的
I shouldn't go around spouting off about, you know, his science and stuff. 我不可以随便告诉别人他的科学研究之类的
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