at someone's expense 拿…开玩笑
I have prepared a series of disrespectful jokes, which generate humor at Howard's expense. Prepare to have your ribs tickled...我准备了一些无礼的笑话,来取笑霍华德娱乐大众。准备笑到肚子疼吧
at someone's expense 拿…开玩笑
I think he's having fun at our expense. 我看他是在拿咱们寻开心。
seriously though 不开玩笑了
Oh, seriously though, Howard, you're actually one of the most intelligent people I know. And that's a zinger, because you're not. 不过话说回来 霍华德 你其实是我认识的最聪明的人之一 这是笑点 因为你不是
seriously though 说真的,不开玩笑了,话说回来
《瑞克与莫蒂》 All right. All ritht, seriously, though. 好吧好吧 不开玩笑了。
No, err, seriously though, do you believe in love at first sight? 不嘛,呃,说实在话,你相信一见钟情吗?
zinger 笑点、反转
笑点 [countable] American English informala clever humorous remark that might also be insulting
kidding aside 不开玩笑了
Okay, kidding aside--Howard, you are a good friend. And I wish you nothing but happiness. 好了 不说笑了 霍华德 你是一个益友 我希望你幸福美满
kidding aside 不开玩笑了;No kidding ,不开玩笑,说真的
nothing but,只有;只不过
《瑞克和莫蒂》Let's forget the girl all together. She she's probably nothing but trouble, anyways. 别管这妹子了 留下也是祸患
Hear, hear 说得好
- Hear, hear. - Hear, hear.-说得好 说得好 -说得好 说得好
Hear, hear! [惯用语] 说得好,强烈支持 Definition:said to strongly agree with what someone else has just said
Zip it 闭嘴
- Thank you, Bernadette. - Zip it, pervert! -谢谢你 伯纳黛特 -闭嘴吧 变态
Zip it,闭嘴
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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