cheat on sb,意为出轨,这个用法在《生活大爆炸》中至少出现了15次。下面举几个有趣场景下的例子,便于记忆。
cheat on sb
Sheldon: I have no choice but to assume the worst, given Leonard's lengthy sea voyage and her famously ravenous nether regions.我往最坏的地方想也是没办法的事,考虑到莱纳德远航在外,还有她那声名在外的渴望被甘霖滋润的旱地
Amy: I don't think Penny would cheat on Leonard. 我觉得佩妮不会对莱纳德不忠的
Raj: You know, I recently read a fascinating article on infidelity among penguins. So if the fact that your husband left you makes you feel unattractive, just remember, penguins get cheated on, and they’re adorable.
我最近刚阅读了一篇有关企鹅中也有雄性出轨情况的文章,所以你老公离开你的这事可能让你觉得自己年老色衰 但请想想 连企鹅这么超可爱还会被雄性骗呢
cheat on sb with sb
cheat on sb with sb,弄清楚前后两个sb的位置。
Howard:I just walked in here, saw how beautiful you are and had to tell you. 我只是走进来 看到闭月羞花的你情不自禁就想说出口
Bernadette:Oh, dear God, you're cheating on me with Raj. 天啊 你是不是背着我跟拉杰搞基了
cheat on sth
cheat on 后面除了可以接sb,也可以接sth。例如在考试中作弊、在税收上瞒报,都可以用cheat on sth。
Students will be chosen the different questions, in case they cheat on the exam. 学生将会分配到不同的问题,以防他们在考试中作弊。
Don't try to cheat on your income tax, or you could get into hot water. 不要在所得税上耍花招,否则你会有麻烦。
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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