《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读45,not unattractive,不无魅力;reek of sth,散发着…
Howard:Okay, the best I can tell, there are eight other campsites nearby. Mostly science nerds like us, but just over yon ridge are two not unattractive middle school teachers who reek of desperation. 好的 我已经尽力侦查了 附近还有8个野营地 大多都是像我们这样的科学呆子 不过山脊另一边 有两位不无魅力的中学老师浑身散发着绝望主妇的气息 ——《生活大爆炸 S03E08》
这段台词包含着两个常用的用法:not unattractive,不无魅力;reek of sth,散发着…
reek of sth,散发着…
the reek of cigarettes and beer 散发着烟酒味
Well, here's, um... 30-something cents and a promise I won't call your boss and tell him you reek of marijuana. 给 这里有大概三毛钱加上我向你保证不会打电话给你老板揭发你一身大麻的臭味 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E02》
She was clutching something in her hand, and the reek of heavy cheap perfume came into the room with her. 她手里抓着个什么东西,周围散发着一股廉价香水的强烈香味。 ——《飘》
not unattractive,不无魅力
Why doesn't Amy marry again? She's comparatively young, and she's not unattractive.“为什么阿美不重新嫁人呢?她年纪并不老,也还有吸引人的地方。 ——《月亮和六便士》
Speaking of big feet, eh? She's on a cruise with her girlfriends, some of which are not totally unattractive. 说到那个" 大脚野人" ,她和她的闺蜜们乘游轮旅游去了。大多都是恐龙,也有几个尚有几分姿色。 ——《摩登家庭第一季》
I'm 27, have a nice flat, a good job and I'm not unattractive. 本人27岁,有一所不错的公寓,一份像样的工作,长得也不难看。
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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