《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读70,high time,I was wondering
I was wondering,我在想…;it's high time,是该做某事的时候了。
I was wondering,我在想…
- Uh, Stuart, I was wondering if you could help me find something. - Happy to, unless it's hope or a reason to live. - 斯图尔特 请问 你能不能帮我找点东西 -非常乐意除了帮你找希望 和活下去的理由 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E02》
I was wondering,我在想…。大爆炸中的高频用语,出现了二十多次。用法上比较简单,举两个例子:
Sheldon:So,Kripke,I was wondering if there's any chance you could get me some time on the open science grid computer? Kripke 我在想你能不能借我用用 开放科学网格计算机呢? ——《生活大爆炸 S02E13》
Stuart:I was wondering why the front row was available. 我还纳闷为什么前排会有空位呢 ——《生活大爆炸 S10E01》
high time,是时候了
Sheldon:Well, Leonard, I think it's high time you and I address the "Tweepadock" in the room. 莱纳德 现在是时候你我面对这房里的"扇扇风"了 (房里的大象[扇扇风] 俗语 指显而易见却故意忽略的事情) ——《生活大爆炸 S07E02》
it's high time,是该做某事的时候了,正是时候。
Hello! I think it's high time to make a toast.大家好!我想是时候致祝酒词了。 ——《绝望的主妇 第三季》
That's what made me think it was high time to begin. “正是因为这个我才想,如果现在再不开始就太晚了。” ——《月亮和六便士》
Sybil will do well enough. It's time Mary was settled. High time. 茜玻会表现得很好,但玛丽该有着落了。事不宜迟啊。 ——《唐顿庄园 第一季》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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