hint (of sth),少许,少量。该用法下,通常作为单数型名词使用,例如 a hint of smile/sadness 一丝笑意/悲伤。
a hint of sth
- It's very impressive, for theoretical work. - Do I detect a hint of condescension? - I'm sorry, was I being too subtle?- 对于理论工作来说 很不错了 - 我好像察觉出一点屈就的意味 - 抱歉 我说得太间接了吗 ——《生活大爆炸 S04E03》
- Droll. - Not as droll as a grown man passed out in a puddle of his own urine. - That was pretty droll. With a hint of ammonia. - 可笑 - 那也可笑不过一个成年人晕倒在自己的一滩尿上 - 的确太可笑了 笑声中还带着一丝氨气的芬芳 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E07》
Raj:Wait, when you sign "servants", don't sign it like I'm bragging. Sign it in a way that I sound humble with just a hint of "That's right, I had servants." 等一下 你比划"仆人"的时候 别比划得好像我在炫耀一样 要比划成我很谦虚 同时又透露出"没错 我有仆人"那种感觉 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E04》
If you want to take a beat to acknowledge the sacred atmosphere, it could give the cynical grave robbing a hint of irreverence.如果你想暂停一会来向这神圣气氛微微致敬一下的话 倒是可以给这次愤世嫉俗的盗墓增添一丝不敬之意 ——《瑞克和莫蒂 S04E03》
'When?' he asked with a hint of impatience.“什么时候?”他带着一丝不耐烦问道。
The school of life We only catch glimpses, little hints of our tastes. 我们只知道自己喜好的一小部分而已。
I glanced at her and saw no hint of irony on her face. 我瞥了她一眼,没有在她的脸上看到一丝嘲弄。
We shall have to turn back if there's the slightest hint of fog. 只要有一丁点起雾的迹象我们就得往回走。
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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