《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读124,make a big deal,小题大作
big deal,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了90次。前两篇介绍了big deal的基本用法和常用句式,本文总结另外一种典型搭配make a big deal (out of sth)。
make a big deal,小题大作
Penny:I don't want you to make a big deal out of it .… You're making it a big deal. 因为我不想你小题大作 … 你现在就是在小题大作 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E06》
Anyway, you guys really don't need to make a big deal. 总之你们真的不必小题大作 ——《生活大爆炸 S06E24》
- Well, a goof or not, you're actually married. You need to get this taken care of. - I will. Why are you making this such a big deal? - 不管是不是闹着玩 你们都是真结婚了 你得解决这件事 -我会的 你干嘛在这件事上小题大作 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E09》
make a big deal out of,把某事小题大做
常用搭配:make a big deal of/out of/about sth,把某事小题大做。
make a big deal out of sth
Penny:Screw it. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of this. It's just dinner.算了 我不打算搞得好得多大件事 就是吃个晚饭嘛 ——《生活大爆炸 S05E13》
Penny:Leonard, why are you making such a big deal out of this? 莱纳德 你为什么要这么在乎这些事 ——《生活大爆炸 S08E20》
Leonard:Of course, who am I to argue with a check-plus student? Just warning you-- I'm gonna go right. Don't make a big deal out of it.当然 我怎么能质疑√+学生呢 先警告你啊 这次我挑右胸 别小题大做问我为什么 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E04》
make a big deal about sth
Penny:Please don't make a big deal about this. It was a long time ago, we were broken up.不要小题大做了 那是很久之前的事了 我们当时分手了
If I'd known you were broke, I wouldn't have made a big deal about the bread.我要是早知道你破产了 就不会那么在意你多吃面包了 ——《生活大爆炸 S09E24》
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