《生活大爆炸》英文剧本精读142,no earthly reason/use
Sheldon:Although you may have earthly woes, get your mind back on the stars.虽然你也有着人世间的烦恼但你的脑子得想着天上繁星啊 ——《生活大爆炸 S07E01》
Leonard:Because it was here when I moved in, and, for no earthly reason, he forbade me to touch it.因为我搬进来时这东西就在这 而且毫无原因 他却不准我碰它 ——《生活大爆炸 S12E23》
earthly reason,可能的理由
earthly reason,可能的理由,这里的earthly相当于possible。
Surely he wouldn't refuse! What earthly reason could he have for refusing? 他不会拒绝吧!他有什么站得住脚的理由拒不接受呢? ——《飘》
no earthly reason,毫无理由
earthly reason前面可以再加上一个no —— no earthly reason,这个更为常用,意思是“毫无理由”。
There's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue. 我完全没有理由感到如此低落。
It's playing the goat for no earthly reason. 这简直是毫无理由的瞎胡闹。
There's no earthly reason for not getting here on time; you only live round the corner. 不准时到达这完全没有道理,你就住在附近。
no earthly use/idea
no earthly后面除了搭配reason,还可以搭配use、idea等词:no earthly use ,毫无用处;no earthly idea,毫无头绪。
That bike has no earthly use for the old man. 那辆自行车对这个老人完全没有用处。
I have no earthly idea how she how this could have happened. 我完全没有任何头绪 为什么会发生这种事 ——《新闻编辑室 S01E09》
公 众 号 :注意两个号的区别,小斯想

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